Short story of why you don't want to fall down
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Started by wglassfo - Sept. 24, 2019, 10:11 p.m.

I was just standing up and closed my eyes for some reason. Closing my eyes makes me lose my sense of balance, which can cause me to fall down. Which is what happened.

So I reached out and grabbed a towel bar, tearing it out of the wall. No injuries except to my wallet

1st we considered replacing the towel bar and then re-painting the room

Then my wife went looking for a new towel bar and ran into an interior decorator at the local supply depot

Oh oh not good

Well long story short, that towel bar developed into a complete do over for almost 1/2 of the house, floors, wall doo dads, a new shower sliding section rack, the old one had a mirror in the wrong place something like that any way, new trim, fix the squeeky closet door and on and on with extra grab bars so I could grab some thing solid. Dang we just replaced the back door with a steel door, no fade extra special paint, rust proof complete with side windows etc

Dang that towel bar has cost me 10,000.00 so far, and the floor was on sale [lol] plus a new out door patio chair and the extra special back door

And me with 1/2 a farm growing no crop this yr.

Even had the eve troves cleaned with new guards on the down spouts, as I might fall off the ladder

I am hoping the cost stops soon, but my wife is already looking at new kitchen appliances

I suppose we will live here until they put me out to pasture so might as well get it done

House is less than 40 yrs old, so I suppose some would be on their 2nd or 3rd do over already

Don't even want to think about the carpet. Oh yes that needs another shampoo and something else I did not even want to know about [that only a professional can do.

Now you know why we need 125k/yr to live

Actually my wife rarely complains until we spend 500,000.00 on machinery and that is when she thinks she deserves a small part for the house

15,000.00 for house

500,000.00 for machinery

Sounds about right

At least that doesn't happen every yr.

By 7475 - Sept. 24, 2019, 10:29 p.m.
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How naive-no shampoo-you are already down for new carpet or laminate.

By GunterK - Sept. 24, 2019, 10:53 p.m.
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great story

as they say... a happy wife makes a happy life....the money you spent is well spent.

However... next time don't close your eyes while standing up.