Stossel sets it straight
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Started by metmike - Nov. 19, 2019, 10:08 p.m.

Climate alarmists hide from debate, Stossel sets it straight

Watch the Stossel video at the link above.

By metmike - Nov. 19, 2019, 10:15 p.m.
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For honest discussions using real world data and observations and authentic science that obliterate the fake climate crisis/emergency, go here:

By metmike - Nov. 20, 2019, 12:57 a.m.
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Climate Extremism in the Age of Disinformation

 November 18th, 2019 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.


Do the global warming wars ever change anyone’s mind?

The Role of the Disinformation Superhighway


Baylor Professor Alan Jacobs has an interesting essay entitled On Lost Causes regarding the tendency for people to believe anything they see on the internet if it supports their biases. 

When politicians have control over the purse strings, is it any wonder that politicians would preferentially fund the science which benefits certain policy outcomes, usually involving more government control over the lives of citizens? There have been innumerable funding programs to explore the human influence on climate (spoiler alert: every change we see is human-caused), yet almost no money goes to understanding natural sources of climate change.

By metmike - Nov. 20, 2019, 1:01 a.m.
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Delingpole: Climategate 10 Years On – The Bastards Have Got Away With It!

Climategate was the biggest scandal in the history of climate science.

'Of course, if you believe the mainstream media, Climategate was little more than a fake news story concocted by a small cabal of wicked deniers in order to discredit the noble cause of climate science.

This is a lie and a particularly dangerous lie at that. If we allow it to prevail then the bad guys will have won, as they are close to doing already.

Look at the fawning media attention afforded Greta Thunberg. Look at the rise and rise of Extinction Rebellion and the extraordinary degree of public sympathy these eco-fascist wreckers command. Look at how across the world — with notable exceptions such as President Donald Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro — even conservative administrations, such as Boris Johnson’s, are surrendering to the Green Blob.

Yet the “science” on which climate protestors base their hysterical claims and from which politicians derive their expensive, constrictive, damaging environmental policies is at best highly suspect, at worst downright fraudulent.

Climategate was the scandal that exposed this truth to the world. And that’s why the increasingly powerful alarmist Establishment has long fought so hard to play down its significance. The alarmists — helped by a lazily complicit media — are trying to do to the scandal what Harvey Keitel’s Winston ‘The Wolf’ Wolfe character did in Pulp Fiction: clean up the bodies, pretend nothing untoward ever happened.

“Move along. Nothing to see here,” the Climate Industrial Complex is telling us about Climategate."