If you can shovel coal into a furnace, you can program computers.
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Started by TimNew - Dec. 31, 2019, 12:53 p.m.

According to Joe Biden....  and of course,  once again,  he's right.

In my first job,  I shoveled coal into the computer to keep it running.  From there, I worked my way into programming.  It was an easy and natural transition..

I woud love to see an example of a program written by Joe Biden.  I'm sure I would learn something.   

By metmike - Dec. 31, 2019, 7:34 p.m.
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Wow, this shows how completely out of touch from reality Biden is. But reality no longer matters in our world today. Convincing sounding false narratives and pomises using  stuff that promises to save the dying planet or  bring millions of jobs and really cheap renewable energy that replaces all the fossil fuels are based on made up, Twilight Zone type scenarios that will never happen in the real world. 

Joe Biden tells coal miners they should 'learn to program'


While "anyone can learn to code" even if you're "not in your 20s," Massachusetts congressional candidate Brianna Wu says Biden's job advice is just "tone-deaf and unhelpful." And as Weigel continues to point out — and compare to a similarly "elitist" notion from Clinton's campaign — this is all "the sort of thing you hear from well-meaning rich people who don't live in Appalachia." Kathryn Krawczyk

metmike: How many of the thousands of coal miners losing jobs and income in coal country will be in a position to get a degree in computer programming to start a new career in a couple of years to support their family that is depending on their current income?

They need their current job and they need it now. They are not going to be impressed by a guy that tells them he is getting rid of their job(s) but............there are lots of other jobs out there for them(then gives a really dumb example of something that probably 1% of them ever considered doing).

vs the other guy that promises he will do everything in his power to help him keep his current job........and works hard to do that for 3 years after the promise.

By TimNew - Dec. 31, 2019, 7:50 p.m.
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Ahhhh.. Coding is easy..    Like playing a musical instrument..  after nearly 50 years,  I nearly have the hang of it,  but I learn more every day  :-)

By metmike - Dec. 31, 2019, 7:54 p.m.
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This is what KILLED Hillary Clinton in coal county in 2016 and they have not forgotten.


                    Clinton haunted by coal country comment                        


                        In 2008, Hillary Clinton won the West Virginia primary in a landslide. The state isn't as welcoming to her this time around.




When officials in Logan, West Virginia, were contacted last week about hosting Hillary Clinton for a local rally, it didn’t take long for them to respond with an answer: Hell no.

“Bill and Hillary Clinton are simply not welcome in our town,” they wrote in a letter to the office of Sen. Joe Manchin, whose office had inquired about the availability of local facilities. “Mrs. Clinton’s anti-coal messages are the last thing our suffering town needs at this point. The policies that have been championed by people like Mrs. Clinton have all but devastated our fair town, and honestly, enough is enough. We wish them the best in their campaign, however we again state they are not welcome on our city’s properties.” 


                “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” Hillary Clinton said at a town hall in West Virginia in March. The quotation has come back to haunt her in this state devastated by the transition to cleaner forms of energy. | Getty


Hillary Clinton: Here's the misstep from the campaign I regret the most


"In her new book, "What Happened" — officially out next Tuesday — Hillary Clinton wrote that her biggest regret from the campaign trail last year was saying she would put coal miners out of business."

metmike: In other words, Clinton regretted telling the truth!!! 

If not for Clintons blunder, Joe Bidens comment would not be as significant.......but these people, who's communities have been devastated by the war on coal by the democrats are extraordinarily sensitive to comments related to it, especially because Clinton  made such a callous (but truthful-because that IS the objective of her party) blunt statement that cut like a knife.

If you came to Indiana and told us that you were replacing all the farming jobs because  farming caused too much pollution(using a made up climate emergency) but farmers could learn to be computer programmers...............how would that be received?

Or Minnesota where Cliff lives. Dang, even he might not vote for you (-:

Actually, the green new deal would mean ZERO ethanol from corn. Good bye 20,000,000,000 gallons of ethanol demand(in a few years) hello sub $2 corn. 

Ethanol works when its mixed with fossil fuel gasoline in the tank and sold at the pump. No fossil fuels, no ethanol. 

Bottom  line is that if you actually look at what the agenda is vs hearing these crazy fairly tale promises that can never happen(and are designed to increase government carbon taxes and socialism)  they are extraordinarily destructive. 

By metmike - Dec. 31, 2019, 8:11 p.m.
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Joe Biden is making more horrendous gaffes this year than any other politician has in their lifetime.......with the exception of Trump because of his impulsive, volatile, uncensored and unpredictable tweets.

But at least Trump has some good agenda for the country to offset his character flaws.

What is Biden offering us, other than he will do the opposite of some of Trumps good for America things?

Seriously, I always liked Biden up until the start of this year. I stated that his beating Trump would not be on policy or agenda because he loses badly in that area.

For him to beat Trump, all he needs to show is that he is honest, trustworthy, credible, respected, smart and stable. 

This entire year, instead we see that he was corrupt, is dishonest, was a scrooge with his personal money(did almost nothing to help the less fortunate)  a massive hypocrite, makes constant gaffes and rediculous statements and seems to be suffering from early senility. 

For sure he is  more likeable than President Trump(at least the old Joe Biden was-the new Joe Biden has turned very confrontational and defensive) and he is a democrat. Those 2 factors might be all that he needs...if Bozo the Clown was the democrat running, he might win it too just from the never Trump vote (-:

Sorry to bash a guy that I used to like and its not because of his party.

As I mentioned earlier on the other thread, my vote for most respected person in the US and world for many of the past 3 decades, including 2019,  would be democratic President Jimmy Carter. 

By metmike - Dec. 31, 2019, 8:49 p.m.
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Joe Biden Climate Threat: Jail Fossil Fuel Executives (like Hunter Biden?)


                Biden will not comply with senate subpoena            


                9 responses |        

                Started by TimNew - Dec. 28, 2019, 7:30 a.m.            


I don't see how Biden can still be the top contender in 6 months. Trump would make mince meat of him in the debates. Anybody but Biden would do better in the debates against Trump. The democratic party has got to know this.

I actually insisted 4 years ago that the democrats should have run Biden instead of Clinton. I still think they would have won. Maybe Biden has lost a great deal of his cerebral functions since then. Probably more of a metmike got to know Joe Biden better to understand why they went with Clinton.