A reprieve in Equties?
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Started by TimNew - March 10, 2020, 10:35 a.m.

Nice bounce early today after yesterdays over done selling,  but this ain't over.   More room to the downside dependent on the corona virus reporting,    but I think we've seen the vast majority of the downside. (Roughly 17% since the last high)

I maintain that this will be a V shaped correction, or more accurately, a U shaped one.  When Wall Street catches it's collective breath and regains some composure,  we'll see a very sharp recovery. Equities will be volatile for the next few weeks.  Triple digit moves in both directions will be the new norm.

Buying now still entails some risk,  but the recovery will be largely complete within a few months. I suspect  June at the latest. We're seeing the best buying opportunities we've seen, ever.

Unless, of course,  I am totally wrong and the virus is like something out of a Stephen King novel.  But even Stephen King doesn't think so.  :-)  

By metmike - March 10, 2020, 11:18 a.m.
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Thanks Tim!