latest on Corona.... the good news and the bad news
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Started by GunterK - April 22, 2020, 3:29 p.m.

the 14-min video below summarizes what i have read during the last few days, from various sources. Here it is in a nutshell....

As you may know, they are now using new tests, checking for corona anti-bodies in people. The presence of antibodies confirms that the subject had the Covid19 virus at one time, but did not show any symptoms. In other words, his immune system fought the virus. (I am not a doctor.... I hope I explained this properly).

Scientists at more than one university in Germany have just recently found that many more people than expected, have actually been infected by Covid19.   Research at Stanford and at USC, out here in California, have found exactly the same. In Los Angeles County the infection rate is 40 times higher than originally tested ( very similar to the results at Stanford and in Germany)

While this sounds scary, we must remember that these Coivd19 "victims" never knew they had it... their immune system worked as it was supposed to, and neutralized the virus

This means that the actual fatality rate is 40 times lower than publicized by the MSM, Dr Fauci, Dr. Birx, etc.

The big question now is...... this new information is readily available to the layman, like myself.....wouldn't the above people and the MSM know about it and talk about it? why are the above people and media keeping this info hidden from the public? 

iMHO, it's time to start a cautious re-opening of our businesses. Let people practice "distancing" and let them wear masks.... but give them their jobs back!!!!

In Los Angeles County, with a population of 8 mill, half the work-force is now unemployed.  We have 60,000 homeless people. If you keep shops and businesses shuttered for as long as the above people have planned, there will be millions of homeless people, and there will be violence. So, what is their real agenda????

By metmike - April 22, 2020, 5:47 p.m.
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Since the damage from the shutdowns is massively greater than the damage from the virus and the disparity is growing every day, its time to open things up again.

We have plenty enough data to monitor the future to adjust when needed. The treatment is killing the patient, not the disease.

We past the point of having a threat of this overwhelming the health care system. Our health care system did a wonderful job for every patient and now, there are many, many empty hospital beds and unused ventilators.

We also saved lives of people that would have died from the flu with the shutdowns.

The science, in combination with the empirical data and economic facts are crystal clear........its time to re open stuff and time to stop being paranoid and panicked.

tens of thousands have died and its very sad.......just like when that many die every year with the flu.  My sincere condolences to those who lost somebody from this virus.........or from a car accident, or heart attack or the flu.

But a COVID-19 death should not be 100 times more powerful in determining governmental policies  than other kinds of deaths.

We avoided the potential of a million deaths. It ain't gonna happen based on the science and data that we now have.

Oh my but what if it starts spreading like wildfire again?

Then we can shut down again if we need to.

See, that's how easy it would be. Why in the world would stay shutdown because it MIGHT spread again if we reopen when all we need to do is shutdown again.

Because we MIGHT lose some ground to the virus?

Funny about that. The virus did alot of damage but WE ARE DOING MOST OF IT TO OURSELVES NOW!

Models are saying less than 60,000 deaths now. WTHeck, thats like a bad flu season and these were mostly old, sick people.

We should continue to try to protect this vulnerable part of the population but release every body else, those under 65 in the work force to get back to their lives. The productive ones of society that make it work for all of us and that have a risk of dying from this similar to that of getting the flu. 

Are there people intentionally trying to obliterate our economy to stop Trump from being elected? That seems pretty pathetic.

Weird that this has turned political............republicans want to reopen, democrats want to stay shut down for much longer. 

Same data, same science, same virus. How is it the the decision whether to reopen or not has somehow turned political?

Do republicans not care as much about human life? I'm not a republican but as an independant scientist, c'mon folks let's use risk/reward reasoning and common sense. 

The only way to absolutely minimize as many deaths as possible from just COVID-19 is to never reopen anything for over a year until we have the vaccine.

We can do the same thing with fatal car accidents. Ban driving and the rate of deaths will go from 40,000/year to zero. 

Instead, we are smart and open the roads up to widespread driving.............but with rules. Speed limits. Seat belts. No drinking and driving. No cell phone texting laws. This limits the deaths to a reasonable number that is acceptable based on the benefits driving a vehicle provides to society/peoples lives.

With COVID-19 we need to open back up to widespread activity.........but with rules. Wearing masks. Social distancing.  Washing hands. Getting tested and being isolated if positive. Minimize large group activities. 

Very few people are petrified to drive a car but  what if the MSM's top story  all day long was about how dangerous cars are and they posted the stats from every county from every state of people in car accidents and deaths and showed the smashed up vehicles in high speed wrecks all day long and interviewed the families that lost loved many people would be petrified to drive?

I realize that COVID-19 is a much greater threat to people and our healthcare system but it is getting 10,000 times more attention than something like car accidents and the flu which may not be as bad but its completely distorted peoples ability to properly assess the TRUE risk.

By metmike - April 22, 2020, 5:48 p.m.
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Here's when all 50 states plan to reopen after coronavirus restrictions


By WxFollower - April 22, 2020, 6:52 p.m.
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 I'm about to give very rare (from me) kudos to Trump. He just said in his presser that he told GA Governor Kemp that he "strongly disagrees" with Kemp for reopening up those nonessential businesses too soon. So, thank you Mr. President for a refreshing change. Kemp is way out of line doing this. Most mayoral comments have been negative about Kemp's decision. Trump said that Kemp was opening up these nonessential businesses (bowling alleys, barbers, nail salons, tattoo parlors, gyms, etc.) is doing is too soon and therefore is going against his guidelines.

By wglassfo - April 22, 2020, 9:38 p.m.
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The thing I feared the most is happening

I was afraid our food procrssing plants would shut down due to the virus

Well it is happening

We have at least two major meat packers shut down and one smaller plant that I know of in Canada. Is Smithfield shut down?? [I think so] How many other packers are shut down??? The livestock folks are really hurting as they have  livestock ready for market and no market. Nobody wants feeders as the cost of gain may be more than the selling price, if there is a selling price.

You saw what happened to crude. Well that can happen to grains, livestock, veggies for lack of workers to tend and harvest, process, transport and sell

And to add to the agony, we will have empty grocery shelves of some foods. The supply/demand chains are broken and we need to open up now. Even if we do open up now, the damage to our economy and business all over the country may be too much for survival

And today our local meat shop had no hamburg

On the other hand, how comfortable would I be riding on mass transit, shoulder to shoulder with a possible virus carrier, because I have no choice if I want to keep my job.