Re: Officier seriously injured in fall from horse
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Started by wglassfo - June 8, 2020, 10:19 a.m.

I would not want to have injuries such as this police officier suffered from falling off her horse, which bolted

Now we all know any animal or human will re-act when physically abused. In this situation it was bricks and bicycles which did the abuse

The horse bolted and when the officier fell off, the horse found it's way back to the horse stables

If you know horses, any horse that bolts can not be immediately controlled. But you can ride it and gradually bring the horse under control. Why a trained horse person could not ride a bolting horse is a mystery to me. I have done it, although when 1st attempted, my fear made me want to hit the ground, thinking that was the safest avenue. 

Wrong decision as I later learned and a police officer on a horse should be trained to stay with the horse.

So: Chalk one up to an inexperienced rider on a bolting horse

However, the protestors started the whole scene by pelting the animal with projectiles and those projectiles hurt. Is it any wonder the horse bolted and who caused this to happen

In conclusion, having some experience with horses [I owned 3 at one time] I have to lay the majority of the blame on the protestors. It seems there are no bounds to what protestors will do.

However, I expect the media to have a different version of events

Where does cruelty to animals enter the picture???

By GunterK - June 8, 2020, 11:28 a.m.
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I assume you are referring to the incident in London. I understand the female police officer hit an overhanging traffic light when the horse bolted. She is in serious condition, with a collapsed lung.

The rioters threw various objects at the horse, including a bicycle.

The media reported it simply as a "police woman knocked herself off her horse"... no mentioning of the horse being attacked. The protest was described as a "peaceful protest", even though 14 officers were injured.

MSM exists in other countries too.

By wglassfo - June 8, 2020, 12:57 p.m.
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I don't know how high traffic signals are in London, although when we were in London I did not notice any low hanging traffic signals

Stiil one can always expect the unexpected low traffic signal. But then double decker buses navigate the traffic signals. If it was a stationary signal, at a street corner, such as a stop sign or round a bout signal, then it could very well be lower. But a trained rider can avoid being brushed off or knocked off. Even low hanging tree limbs can be easily avoided if skilled and trained. The early americian indian did it with out the aid of saddles and stirrups. I must admit those English saddles are harder to ride than a western style saddle. I have ridden both and hate the English saddle which is what this police officer was using.

It all boils down to skill and training of the rider, which obviously was not sufficient

But to expect perfection in such a situation as this horse and rider encountered is unreasonable, to ay the very least.

The MSM will not see the prrotestors as doing anything wrong

But bystanders may lose some sympathy with the protestors as is seen in some parts of the country

Protecting statues from vandalism is a sign criminals, vandalism, or unruly protestors are losing the moral high ground.