Covid19 test 3% reliable
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Started by GunterK - Nov. 28, 2020, 10:41 p.m.

4 German tourists won a court case for being unlawfully put into quarantine, after being falsely tested as "positive"

Of course, this kind of news is ignored by the MSM ( they need a different narrative to keep us locked up )

With an accuracy of only 3%, I would suggest to replace these tests with coin flips...maybe you have it.... maybe you don't 

Coming to think of it.... Elon Musk came to the very same conclusion a few days ago, when 4 tests showed 2 positives and 2 negatives

It seems to me, much of the Covid19 narrative is falling apart. Only through the efforts of  our MSM and their handlers are we being kept afraid, locked up, unemployed, and hoping for a vaccine

By joj - Nov. 29, 2020, 7:09 a.m.
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You reveal the foolishness of this source with the headline of the post.  If it were actually true that it was 3% reliable THAT would be fantastic news!  It would be like testing a trading system and finding out that it was correct 3% of the time.  You would have a gold mine!!  Just do the opposite and the profits would roll in..

If the assertion was that the test was 50% accurate then you would have a story because it would in fact be no better than a coin flip.  Actually, the MSM as you call it has reported that the testing is suspect with results as poor as 70% accurate (which is pretty useless if you think about it).  You wouldn't know that because the AI is feeding you what you want to believe.  

MM's posts showing new all time highs in hospitalizations should tell you this is not a hoax but is in fact the worst pandemic we've had in a 100 years.  Also, people should stop using the term complete shutdown (a straw man argument).  If we had a complete shutdown of the economy we'd all be dead from starvation and crude oil would be trading negative.   

I am actually not as far apart from you as you would think.  We probably have overreacted to the pandemic and there are real negative consequences to that.

Watch the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma" and learn how AI is triggering your dopamines with every click you fall prey to.  Wikipedia says your source is Russian propaganda.

By metmike - Nov. 29, 2020, 12:27 p.m.
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I agree with joj on this.

It's one thing to see the flaws in the testing..........which do exist and another to dwell on finding information to make them look as bad as the point of believing any absurd story or fact about them because it matches up with an extreme cognitive bias that has been programmed into ones brain.