Blackwater Pardon Revisited
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Started by joj - Jan. 3, 2021, 7:59 a.m.

"I was the F.B.I. case agent who led the investigation of the Blackwater massacre in Baghdad. We originally went to Iraq thinking this shooting was some form of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire between Blackwater guards and insurgents. After only one week, we determined that this incident was not as presented by Blackwater personnel and their State Department lackeys, but it was a massacre along the lines of My Lai in Vietnam. Three of the guards were convicted of manslaughter and one of murder.

I only recently became aware of the concerted effort for the pardons, which I understand started with a political push by members of Congress. President Trump should have had staff members review the trial evidence that led to the convictions and read the judges’ opinions and sentencing statements. God forbid they might have actually picked up the phone and called the investigators who built the case. I’m so disgusted with the president’s actions!

Having spent many hours with the innocent Iraqi victims who are permanently maimed and crippled because of the actions of these Blackwater guards, and the heartbroken family members of those killed, I am embarrassed for our country. I believe we will pay a heavy price in our relationships with other countries as a result of these pardons."

By TimNew - Jan. 3, 2021, 8:43 a.m.
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I wonder if he's one of the agents who worked to produce the fake evidence used in the failed attempt to overthrow a duly elected president,  or did he just give them his full support? 

By mcfarm - Jan. 3, 2021, 10:02 a.m.
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lengthy interview with one of the guys who got pardoned was live last weak. He came cross as authentic as it gets.  As I recall and have stated before these guys were dumped into a no win "black hawk down" situation....and years later we have a bureaucrat come along and try to convict them all over again. He even had the audacity to mention "long term affects"...well bud I think you need to re-examine the long term affects of the Obama state department and justice department and their "long term affects" that a growing daily.

By joj - Jan. 3, 2021, 11:29 a.m.
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So Tim, does this mean you would like to join the cult that believes Putin over our own intelligence?  Repeat over and over "Anyone who finds fault with Trump. is Deep State."  If you say it a thousand times you too can believe it (or almost anything). 

Or, are you just deflecting as usual from the topic at hand that disturbs you inner sense of morality?

By TimNew - Jan. 3, 2021, 12:37 p.m.
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What most amuses me about the left is their abiity to so quickly feign outrage at the questioning of US "foundations".  Of late..    "Don't you support the constitution"? That's hillarious because generally, they have no idea what the constitution contains, and  what few interpretations they base weak arguments upon are flawed at best, and for the most part, they've regarded it as an antiquated relic written by a bunch of rich old white guys which needs to be replaced/rewritten.

And now, anytime you question the validity or integrity of the FBI,  or US inteligence,  you are siding with Putin against the US.   Let's forget that the FBI,  weaponized during the Obama admin, has given us the likes of Strozk and Comey.  Two of the biggest sleazeballs to ever don a badge, and they are merely two examples of many.  But what makes it really stomach hurtingly hillarious is that just a few years ago, believing US "Slam Dunk" inteligence got a president labeled as a "War Criminal" by the leftist devotees of all things US. They even tried to impeach him.   But of course we know,  that has become SOP for the leftists.

And Of course,  we know that devotion is entirely "situational", need I say more?

So no JOJ,  I am not trying to deflect when I call into question the integrity or credibility of US Intel. It's a very recent and extremely well founded concern of mine..  

By metmike - Jan. 3, 2021, 1:42 p.m.
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"join the cult that believes Putin over our own intelligence?"

1. On the Russia investigation from corrupt US intelligence that existed entirely to obliterate Trump? The cult seems to be those that still think Trump colluded with Russia and Russia is an enemy of the US............FALSE narratives manufactured to obliterate Trump. I don't believe either one(Putin or our intelligence) but on this topic, I would be more inclined to believe Charles Manson than our own, proven corrupt intelligence. 

If this is not blatant corruption from our own intelligence, then what is?

And they got away with all of it with us being told, that the massive information/facts that I documented above were all just a right wing conspiracy theory. 

2. "Repeat over and over "Anyone who finds fault with Trump. is Deep State."  If you say it a thousand times you too can believe it (or almost anything)."

It's always a piece of cake to recognize bias in others. There is a huge Trump cult indeed as you note, that thinks he can do no wrong and everybody that opposes him is nefarious or making things up. The results of this election are evidence of that.

But there is another side that thinks just as extreme. He can do no right and when unethical, unjustified and even illegal attacks target him, they are always justified. Repeat after me "Trump is evil and wants to intentionally destroy America"

Actually, you might embrace those exact words, just like some from the other side might actually believe the words you mentioned above. 


Please don't take this as welcoming you any less here. I am grateful for you to expressing opinions like this here.........even when I disagree because without a couple of you here, expressing these sort of thoughts, this would be a completely, one sided pro Trump echo chamber.

I am not sorry to see President Trump gone as the divisiveness and hatred in our country will have a chance to improve. They had been going higher for years, started really accelerating under Obama but went parabolic under Trump and he had exactly the wrong personality/character traits to reverse this.

Your intelligence and lack of making personal attacks here are much appreciated.
