The wall
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Started by wglassfo - June 28, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Do You think the wall will ever get built

Given the recent primary win in NY

I wonder if we are starting to see a new demographic of voters and elected representatives

People wrote Maxine Waters off as a one off wing nut

But we are seeing younger, more articulate,educated people entering politics with virtually no money winning elections

This ground swell of voter preference may change more quickly that one thinks


Are we headed down the socialist road

I think our country is more socialist with Trudeau in power

I am not so sure this change of socialism will ever change, in Canada

What eventually happens I don't know

I do not think the wall will ever happen

Re: The wall
By carlberky - June 28, 2018, 6:03 p.m.
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Partially, but not until after the mid-term elections.

By TimNew - June 29, 2018, 5:11 a.m.
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The primary win in NY was a young avowed socialist against an old unavowed socialist.  It will probably give the republican opponent a better shot in November,  but this is NY in a socialist leaning district.  We'll see.

The implications to the nation wide November elections are almost nil.

I still have my doubts about the lefts anticipation of a "Blue Wave", but politically speaking, November is a long way off.  If the trade war derails the current economic growth, maybe.  If the Mueller investigation actually returns damning result, more likely.    But both are slim possibilities.

Barring that,  an "I hate Trump" and "I'm going to raise your taxes" platform is not likely to motivate a majority of the mainstream electorate, particularly if they see employment and wages increasing.

As far as the wall,  I still think it's a bad idea, as I have stated many times. Will we get one?  History shows bad ideas have a better chance at success than good ones.  But Carl is right.  It won't happen before mid-terms.