chauvin and floyd
5 responses | 0 likes
Started by mcfarm - April 21, 2021, 7:09 a.m.

So did anyone here realize these two actually knew each other and worked at the same bar at one strange is that and after all this talk of race, race, race, after the Nazi like interference by Waters and Biden, after all the riots and fake concern by politicians just how likely is it this had not one wit to do with race but could of been as simple as an old grudge from years ago. Holy Jesse Jackson , the gig might of been up. before it started

By metmike - April 21, 2021, 7:58 p.m.
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Does this make chauvin less dead?

There are often cases when race should not have been considered. This was NOT one of them.

Your unbudging original position was that Floyd would have died anyway and all the evidence disproved that in court........whether you accepted it or not, the jury did and my 99.99% confidence before hand based on that  tells you my opinion and I am the opposite of somebody that would use race or a situation to unfairly blame a cop.

If you want to start another post with a new position on this and get beat up more  with authentic my guest. Everybody is welcome to share their opinions here but it won't be an echo chamber that returns your bad opinions because that's what you would like to hear.

It will be a friend telling you like it is, mcfarm. There is a difference between racism and fake racism. A difference between bad cops and good cops. I am happy to help you to see it.

                Taking down the cops(good ones too)            

                            Started by metmike - April 21, 2021, 7:26 p.m.    

                maxine waters            

                            6 responses |      

                Started by mcfarm - April 20, 2021, 9:43 a.m.    

By metmike - April 21, 2021, 8:16 p.m.
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So mcfarm,

Here is my point put another way.

The system is messed up as I described already on the previous threads. 

If you want to represent the part of it being messed up that only conservatives care's not the best idea to do it by defending the  most proven guilty cop in history.

If you think that he didn't deserve this, then no cop should ever have anything bad happen to matter what they do. 

Did the entire country get way carried away over this.............billions in property damage, dozens of cops injured, many killed, while the criminals doing that and causing all the other crime and killing blacks get a free pass? Heck yes. That IS the problem.

However, Chauvin is getting exactly what he deserves. 

By mcfarm - April 21, 2021, 8:35 p.m.
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yes MM my thought was there was reasonable doubt but I did not prejudge like thousands of others. I did not try to influence the jury like our so -called leaders. I did not riot and burn unless I got the outcome I wanted...which is odd because I did not have an outcome...I trusted the jury, never got to be inside the room with thejury,,,,,right up to the point of not being sequestered and Waters and /biden both threatened them if they did not convict. And I wondered if anybody knew or cared that race may very well have played no part when most all of America was blaming race in this case. Chauvin may of got what he deserved but in our system he would of gotten it anyway if everyone else had stayed out it.

defending reasonable doubt is not defending Chauvin. It is defending out system of justice which seems we are closer to losing than we ever have been.

By metmike - April 21, 2021, 8:53 p.m.
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Yes, it was good that people like you did not riot and burn and kill people because you did not get the outcome that you were hoping for. 

Outside of the event in early January, that almost never happens when your side doesn't get what they want.

The other side is well known and is expected to do that in today's world. If Chauvin had not been found guilty, what person seriously thinks that many of our cities would not be under attacks from rioters right now and innocent people, many of them democrats with the same ideology would be greatly harmed. 

There is no way that people on that side don't know about the real rampant crime rates and whats really causing it...........and the cops are the best chance to control it.

Zero chance that  our politicians don't know. So the path that many are taking, to tear down the police forces vs building them up better must be because they either don't care about the high crime or they want it to continue because it contributes to the chaos, which makes it easier for the cultural revolution to progress faster. 

We're also seeing politicians using it to blame cops for their totally failing policies in the inner cities. 

The climate scam is entirely about the cultural revolution, so these people are believe that the ends justifies the means. 

Hijacking climate science..........even rewriting climate history isn't any more extreme than what they are using the chaos in our cities over racial justice for. 

Again, I am FOR POLICE REFORM to strengthen law enforcement so that it can more effectively fight crime, while treating everybody with more humanity...............even people that we think don't deserve it because they have a criminal record.

If I could pick a strategy, that would make it the absolute worse possible, it might the one used by the ones trashing the cops right now.

The criminal element is doing backflips with joy over this. 

And you are NOT converting any of the unconverted with this "vilify all the cops" MLK did with love and reasonable requests.

The hate is multiplying the hate and you are creating enemies, not allies.

By mcfarm - April 21, 2021, 9:02 p.m.
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I'd say a good place we left the track is when we decided to not treat all equally under the law. When we see elites walk time and time again is maybe worse than not treating others even with humanity. Thanks to the Clintons this kind of thing has become all common place in our system.