for computer "geeks"
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Started by GunterK - May 25, 2021, 1:28 p.m.

When I first got involved in trading, many years ago, we had to plot the daily range and closing on large pieces of graph paper by hand.

Sophisticated traders also calculated “indicators”, such as a “20-day moving average”. For that, we wrote down, on a piece of paper, the closing prices in one column, the running total in the next column, and the mov. ave. in the 3rd column . In a 4th column, we would calculate an “oscillator”, by subtracting the price from the moving average…. This gave us “overbought” and “oversold” situations.

I had a friend, who was a really serious trader. On his graph paper, he broke down the trading day into 15-minute segments, for quicker in-and-out trading.Wow!

Today, we don’t think much, when we put a graph on our screens, with multiple complex indicators, and the computer calculates these indicators within the blink of an eye. We take it for granted.

However, all this computer power today is not enough for some.

In the link below, astrophysicists describe their efforts to do research on neutron stars.

As you may know, stars sometimes explode in a huge ball of fire (that’s called a “super nova”). When it’s all over, the left-over material collapses into what is called a neutron star… a super-dense little star, with more mass than our sun, but only about 10-15 miles in diameter.

A group of scientists are trying to find out more about the composure of these neutron stars…. and they can’t do that with your typical desktop computer.

To do their simulations, they needed access to the USA’s fastest super computer.

And this was not enough to do the work they really wanted to do.


By metmike - May 25, 2021, 8:37 p.m.
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thanks gunter!