I wonder if Biden takes it as an affront?
26 responses | 0 likes
Started by TimNew - June 11, 2021, 11:43 a.m.

Texas will, and Az is talking about building border walls. Pretty sure the governors of those states have the constitutional authority to do so,  but the reponsibility of protecting the borders in clearly one of the few responsibilities delgated to the federal government and squarely on the shoulders of the executive.

I bet Biden doesn't even realize what an insult it is to him that someone else has felt the need to do his job.  I would not be surprised if he tries to stop the effort.  It won't pass a review by the SCOTUS,  particularly with a make up of justices who largely follow the letter of the law.

Guess he's really need to pack the court now.    But if he does any of that,  it really begs the question.  Does he really have the best interested of the US at heart?    I've not seen any indication of that so far. quite the contrary.

By mcfarm - June 11, 2021, 11:48 a.m.
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absolutely Tim, it must be so. I know this because yesterday both cnn and msnbc used the words "heart felt" to describe his speech in Europe

By metmike - June 11, 2021, 3:03 p.m.
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Having a southern  border wall is about as no brainer, common sense as it comes to controlling migration so that its mostly LEGAL migration.

Not only does it make it much more difficult to get in............more importantly, it causes people to not go thru the extreme actions of traveling thousands of miles to even TRY to get in.

Then, we don't have to go to their homeland and tell them do not come using words that will deter some of them but others will know that they can still get in....and its worth a good shot trying, despite it being in defiance of what they are being told.

If there is a wall and we tell them, do not come because YOU CAN"T GET IN, most of them will realize they would be wasting their effort because the wall means more than words to people willing to break the law.


If banks and stores and places of business with valuables just told criminals..........do not steal our money/computers/products or you will go to jail!............but then, didn't lock their doors at night, or have armed security or alarm systems....

People  that disregard laws.........would go right ahead and pick them clean. We know this with certainty. This is what defines a small portion of us in society/criminals 

So they put up bars on the windows in high crime districts and all businesses have high tech security systems and the place is protected so that criminals CAN'T get in, even if they tried.

Those that try, are quickly apprehended and go to jail.

Looking at video of our southern border with invaders crossing in locations that don't have security...........is like the bank, leaving one of the back doors unlocked every night with the alarms off and the safes open. ....but having security guards posted at the front and side doors. 

By mcfarm - June 11, 2021, 3:59 p.m.
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so the question was MM does biden have the best interests of America at heart. You can easily look at most any policy and make decision. A do not use "the poor" and how much he cares or the blacks or the blue or the grays. His policies have hurt and will hurt in the future and the minority's will bare the brunt of it. just like his racists policies of 50 years ago that no one seems to remember. 

might list a few biggies...energy, foreign policy, boarder which you covered except to say he reversed most every good thing Trump did at the boarder, monetary, trade, farm {reversed common sense water rights} police, riots, blm, Voter ID,secure ballots not counting of ballots, I do not know where to look for Bidens best interests for America

By metmike - June 11, 2021, 7 p.m.
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"just like his racists policies of 50 years ago that no one seems to remember."

mcfarm, when you say silly things like that its evidence that you have FOXitis on the brain.

People on the right squawk the loudest about the left abusing the term "racist"......calling their enemies racist at the drop of the hat for the silliest manufactured reasons to vilify them. I agree with that.

But for the right to react by calling the left's main guy a racist for even sillier reasons is wildly absurd. I'll let you pick the term.........double standard...........or hypocrisy for me to call it. Tim didn't like double standard so I'll pick hypocrisy and I agree with him that its a much better fit.

To imagine that people would insist that President Trump is absolutely NOT a racist and that the real racist is Joe Biden using the same standards is like...........man, your brains are completely captured-land. I am absolutely not saying Trump is a racist, I would say that he's not.

Everytime that you guys say it here, I will show you the strong evidence that he absolutely is NOT a racist.

If you want to pick out a phrase or incidents in Joe Biden's life to spin it into racism..........go for it but I will crush you with authentic information that proves conclusively by all objective standards using his life that he is NOT a racist.


BTW, the posters here having FOXitis on the brain are not the judge and jury and neither is metmike. The facts speak for themselves.  Maybe we should ask the first black president, Obama why he did all that vetting for the best VP candidate and came up with a racist.

Must be all those gullible democrats that think only republicans can be racists. 

I'll respond to you other points/question on the next page to not let this post mess up those views because that, actually was a good question.

By TimNew - June 11, 2021, 8:23 p.m.
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By metmike - June 11, 2021, 8:31 p.m.
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On the issue of whether Biden has the best interest of the country in mind, of course he thinks that his policies do.

I disagree with many, many more of his policies than I agree with which is why I strongly favor the Trump agenda(but we must rid ourselves of the psychopath)  but I like several things about Biden.

Unlike those with CNN-itis or FOX-itis, I don't let one party tell me that I can only pick items on their menu and must see all items from the other parties menu as toxic as well as interpret everything they do as evil.  I  have my own, independant opinion in viewing the objective realities.........allowing me to see the best on both sides.

When I criticize Biden, which is frequently, I always use authentic facts, not some of the dumb things that FOX or extreme right sources gave me.

The problem with sources that condemn every single thing about another person/surce is that you can never know when they are legit or not........because, like CNN was with Trump, no matter what it is............good or bad, they will always tell you how bad it is.

I think Biden's biggest attribute vs Trump, that I've come to appreciate greatly is his creating much less hate in the world. If you hated Trump...........one couldn't blame you because he gave people every reason in the world to hate him. I overlooked this because I focused mostly on his good  agenda but in retrospect, with my agenda of trying to diminish hate in the world, I was ignoring Trump's biggest gift of all..........picking fights with enemies and even with  people on his side and getting people to hate him. 

I spoke out about this constantly but quite honestly, no amount of good agenda is worth the damage that he inflicted with his divisiveness and hatred and then, after the election he turned into a full on psychopathic that has captured the minds of tens of millions............which is exactly what makes many psychopaths so dangerous.

Anyway, its extremely important to our country to have an anti Trump personality in office. You may say "but what about the agenda!"  There is no more important agenda then to have a stable president(even if he lies and is NOT transparent which which defines this administration, like it does most politicians) for this country to try to heal.

I can't blame people for intensely hating Trump......its not their fault. For the people that hate Biden...........why would you?

This is not about you mcfarm but just asking the general question to all republicans. What reason, other than disagreeing with his policies and catching him being deceptive, which I do all the time with him and will continue.... and which defines most politicians...........would you have to actually hate Biden?

I can give you several GOOD reasons for why people hated Trump.

OK, enough about that.

Biden obviously wants to build up and repair the roads and infrastructure in the US that is needed badly, which Trump totally failed on doing. 

He is raising the minimum wage for federal workers way up. You may disagree with that but you can't disagree with his reasoning............to help people in the lower income bracket. Tim will tell us why thats a bad thing and I may agree with Tim but you can't claim he's doing it for any other reason than to help the lower wage people that need the most help.

He's blown the southern border management and I've led the way with criticism but I like it that we are trying to help Central American countries. There are 330 million people in the US and a presidents job is to serve THEM. However, at the same time its his job to serve humanity...........and there are 8 billion people on the planet and though I am against the way that the United Nations is tricking us into global socialism by hijacking climate science and faking a climate crisis.....we do owe it to humanity to help those less fortunate...........in other countries if possible too. We are spoiled because of being born with nice things and opportunities and that makes it harder to embrace realities outside of our own backyards.

I like Biden's philosophy on that and he is going to be good in most cases with our relations with foreign countries, most of which would repelled by Trump, some strongly.

Biden buys totally into the fake climate crisis and and has the worst energy policies in our countries history which will spell major economic damage if implemented fully. His no nothing, arrogant, dishonest, hypocritical fossil fuel guzzling secretary of state, Kerry is the worst person to do that job in history.

However, despite me disagreeing as strongly as possible about that ans some other things............I am able to choose that and not cause me to reject the positive things that truly exist based on viewing the big picture objectively..........not  from a tunnel vision view that just uses party allegiance, news sources from one side and cognitive bias to form ALL my opinions. 

There are dozens of other elements in the agenda not mentioned but these are the few that come to mind at the moment.

By GunterK - June 11, 2021, 8:32 p.m.
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I don't know if you know (African American) Judge Joe Brown., metmike.   He had a popular courtroom show on TV, years ago.  In this clip he told the interviewer that he did not vote for Trump, but also explains why he cuoldn't vote for "racist" Biden.  


By metmike - June 11, 2021, 8:35 p.m.
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Thanks Tim, that another repeat from the link that I just repeated.

How about I just refer you to that link again and then add something NEW.

Gotta cut the grass first before it get dark.

We'll continue the discussion then about why Biden is NOT a racist. If you are repeating repeats, does that mean that's all you've got in Bidens 50 years of being a racist?

Try to find some new things. I've heard and read those ad nauesium over and over on FOX. 

When I get back, I will specifically address every item in this repeat.

By mcfarm - June 11, 2021, 9:31 p.m.
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as understand it he was 4 square against busing, was against his clean cut white kids sharing a neighborhood with minoritys, was and is against blacks being able to make their own independent decisions because they cannot think for themselves he believes, thinks voter ID is too complicated for blacks, and I could go on but its just not politically correct to give exampled of a lib being a racists, thinks the black congressional caucus is the black liberal caucus.  His crime bill hurt blacks badly. Will look around if you more but I would guess many examples have been erased from the internet since the election...Hell ask his VP she will tell you all about Biden and racism if you missed it

By metmike - June 11, 2021, 10:36 p.m.
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See Gunter, this is exactly my point on the evidence. Let me explain.

If there is all this powerful documented evidence of Biden really  being a racist after 50 years in politics, why are you relying on a low credibility black man with a big poddy mouth insisting that he heard Biden say in 1972 the following loony things..........according to him he insisted that he heard Biden say this himself, these are Judge Joe's quotes of what he said in this interview you gave us to prove that joe Biden is a racist:

Judge Joe says that he heard Biden say: "negro children are like roaches and if they are allowed to integrate our schools they will infest them"  also Biden said "negros are like animals and they turn the streets into jungles" "He had a plan to put all the negro animals into zoos"

That anybody would believe Biden said that shows how gullible people are. Let's use our heads/common sense here Gunter and not what we want to believe because it confirms what we want to believe.

If Biden used that sort of harsh language in that speech, then certainly there would be a record of him........some sort of documented evidence of him saying those things in public somewhere. He was more in the public eye, getting recorded by video constantly and in transcripts all the time by people that follow politicians. ..... than almost anybody in the world.

 Where is any of this stated even one time in any video or any transcript?

It doesn't exist because it didn't happen.

Biden NEVER talked like that EVER while he was a senator.  0% chance. If he did, then please show it because you bet that he was mega vetted by Obama, the first black president and by Trumps people who would, if he said those things would have found them and  been shouting it from the rooftops before the election.

Using this as evidence of Biden being a racist is extremely powerful evidence that substantive, authentic evidence must not exist..........because of course you would have used that instead of this absurd stuff.

By metmike - June 11, 2021, 10:49 p.m.
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Now its time to bust your bs on Biden being a racist........again. This was also the link that mcfarm gave the last time we had this discussion.

This is the link again:


I already know why this is twisting facts to completely mischaracterize Biden but with unfamiliar people(you guys like to search the internet to find stuff that confirms what you want to believe, regardless of who its coming from just as long as they say what you want to believe) I will look up the person to see what their history is to see where they might be coming from.

This person does not have a huge national following and only got rated one time for factual accuracy and got a false rating for that. So we know with certainty that he has stated false things based on his pro Trump anti Biden political bias. 


Latest Fact-checks of Dan O'Donnell

rate of absentee ballots.”

  • false

  • By Eric Litke • February 12, 2021
    The actual analysis on the next page when I get a chance.

    I accessed a few dozen tweets from this guy and he makes some wonderful points on different topics that expose problems in the democratic party. I would consider him a credible source on many topics but he has one big problem........he supports the big lie, Biden steal narrative.  Also he is of the extreme ideology/religion that believes everything and everybody in the democratic party is bad. ......specific comments on the next page about the link
By GunterK - June 12, 2021, midnight
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Hi metmike,

First, let me explain to you that I have no “cognitive bias” against Joe Biden, as far as racism is concerned.

Mcfarm knows about Biden’s 50-year history… I did not, until just recently, when this subject came up and I did some research.

I have only once mentioned the word racist, in connection with Biden, a few days ago, in another post… and I was not referring to his racial history (of which I knew nothing at that time).. I was referring to a bill he wrote, giving farmers Covid related stimulus checks, but only to black and latino farmers…. and that looked “racist” to me.

I had never heard of Sen Joe Biden, until he became VP under Obama. I considered him to be a nice man, a perfect complement to the Obama team.

When the 21 dem. candidates had their discussions, Kamala Harris apparently knew about some of these accusations…. I didn’t pay much attention to her speeches…. and I still considered Biden to be a nice man and possibly the correct choice to run against Trump.

Again, I knew nothing about Biden’s past, until just recently.

I didn’t know, that he was a friend of Sen. Byrd, a previous leader of the KKK (same man who Hillary C. considered to be her “mentor”). Biden gave a eulogy at Byrd’s death, which may , or may not mean much.

Now comes Judge Brown… whom you immediately call a “low credibility black man with a big mouth”. This statement alone looks to me like “cognitive bias” right there.

Here is my view of Judge Brown…

  1. Judge Brown is an African American… environmental conditioning has trained him from childhood to be on the democratic side.
  2. Judge Brown is a registered Democrat. He once ran for D.A. as a dem. candidate.
  3. He is a real judge. I assume that judges are thoroughly trained to be impartial and look at both sides of an argument
  4. He is a real judge, he knows he cannot slander people without consequences.

So, when Judge Brown states that he witnessed Biden’s conversation, 50 years ago, which “deeply offended” him, I tend to believe him.   I see no motive for him to make this up and slander Biden

Just because there are no records of a conversation, does not mean that the conversation did not take place. A “judge” most certainly knows better than to make false, slanderous statements about the President of the USA, on public television.

In conclusion, I have absolutely NO reason to disbelieve Judge Joe Brown

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 12:13 a.m.
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"In conclusion, I have absolutely NO reason to disbelieve Judge Joe Brown"

Thanks Gunter!

It's your brain and your choice.

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 12:46 a.m.
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"I have only once mentioned the word racist, in connection with Biden, a few days ago, in another post… and I was not referring to his racial history (of which I knew nothing at that time).. I was referring to a bill he wrote, giving farmers Covid related stimulus checks, but only to black and latino farmers…. and that looked “racist” to me."

Are you getting Alzheimer disease Gunter? YOU were the one that started the previous discussion on this. You do realize that when somebody gets busted for not being honest, it makes it harder to believe them on things that we are supposed to take their word for. 

                Racism is alive and well            

                            20 responses |             

                Started by GunterK - May 26, 2021, 11:58 p.m.       


     "Coming to think of it, our racist president Biden made a similar comment (about being black enough) last year."

This was Larry's comment to you 2 hours after that:


                By WxFollower - May 27, 2021, 2:09 a.m.            


"Biden being called a racist? Where is that coming from?"

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 2:02 a.m.
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Was tied up with other things earlier and responding to Gunter on this same silly topic.


I realize that whatever I post, you guys have become totally convinced of the absurd idea that Biden is a racist and will only believe really absurd  subjective, proven to be  non credible evidence ........ but appeals to your cognitive bias.

In fact, I'm starting to feel embarrassed for you for digging in your heels to insist that one of the most ANTI racist politicians we've ever had is actually a racist.

But here goes:

Biden voting against busing was exactly because he was so ANTI racist, not the other way around as depicted by the very dishonest sources mischaracterizing him.

Busing was very unpopular and had many failed attempts leading into this 1972 legislation. There was tremendous tension and fighting that took place between the races related to this.....like a jungle, forcing black children to go to white schools and vice versa where they were unwelcomed in many cases.

I grew up in Detroit and lived 2.5 miles from the 1967 race riots and can tell you about how it was back then in some of the big cities(Detroit was over 80% black then).

People have obviously forgotten 50 years later........or they want to pretend to have forgotten. 

Biden said that he spent 300 hours meeting with people, including white and black leaders in the communities to see what THEY wanted. There was alot of disagreement but the majority were AGAINST busing. Biden said that he didn't want the racists to control and define the legislation on this and not have  the democrats vote for busing just because the racists were against it but to vote for what the black leaders themselves wanted and to make it clear it wasn't to appease the racists that wanted segregation but it was the black leaders that wanted segregation.

What he did push hardest for was the federal government to invest millions of dollars in inner city schools to boost the quality of education so that blacks would have equal education opportunities in their neighborhoods without being bused. 

He also made a case for this to help preserve the black/African culture, which is what the black community leaders expressed to him.

To use this as an example of Biden being a racist because he voted for busing is total, jaw dropping ignorance or else diabolital evilness trying to twist a civil rights activist into a racist. It's complete bullsheet.

On the bills that Biden championed or supported that were tough on crime in the 1980's/90's and supportive of  law enforcement.  Are you friken kidding me? Republicans are condemning Biden because he was too tough on crime and pro law enforcement because it caused more blacks to be incarcerated?

Republicans are calling Biden racist in the 80's/90's for having the same position that they have right now? This is too much.

From your source, after the ludicrous points above: "By the early to mid-2000s, Biden began getting more overt in his casually racist comments, telling a man of Indian descent in 2006 that in his home state of Delaware, one can’t go into a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts without having a slight Indian accent. The comment was an obvious reference to the stereotype of Indian-Americans as convenience store owners, and Biden was pilloried for it."

metmike: This is just more proof that Biden is NOT a racist, similar to Gunter's. If your sources are using a joke like this as the evidence to offset Bidens 50 years of being a civil rights activist, its clearly proof that there must not be an substantive evidence of Biden being a racist...............or you would be using that and not this really twisted, absurd stuff. 

By GunterK - June 12, 2021, 2:19 a.m.
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Whoa.... easy there... there seems to be some confusion...

Yes, metmike, that’s the comment I referred to in the post above.   I do not have Alzheimers.

Apparently I need to point out that this earlier post of mine focused totally on “reverse racism”

The term “reverse racism” meaning white people being put aside to make room for black or brown people.

Whereas in the current thread, Biden is called a “racist” because of his dislike of black people.

In my mind, racism is racism… whether a KKK person hates black people, or whether a Black Panther person hates white people…. to me, it’s all “racism”

However, it is now clear that an explanation was necessary, when I started that earlier thread.

A few days prior to this earlier post, Biden had released some kind of stimulus bill for farmers, but only black and latino farmers were getting the money.  I found this to be a clear case of“reverse racism”

This earlier post of mine spoke of nothing but job applicants having to be black, and other incidents of “reverse racism”.  I was thinking of that farm bill, when I used the adjective “racist” on Biden. (I should have said "reverse-racist", in order not to confuse anyone)

I even expanded this subject by asking, is a job applicant “black enough”… and there were indeed actual cases where a job applicant was “not black enough”.

This comment then led to Biden’s infamous comment of “being black enough”, which, at that time, was considered by most to be more of a joke, a stupid comment, rather than a “racist” slur

I was surprised to see this earlier thread turning into a debate about Biden being a “racist”. I thought it was quite clear that this whole post was about 'reverse racism"

Maybe,  I should have stepped in and clarified that I was talking about reverse racism, when I called Biden a “racist”   It had nothing to do with Biden’s 50-years of racism (of which I knew absolutely nothing at the time of writing that post)).. I should have, but I didn't.  


Nevertheless. now since we are discussing Biden’s "white on black" racism, I did some more research, and there is plenty of “documented” events, where Biden offended black people, even while being VP to Obama.

Of course, at time, I was a solid supporter of the Obama Administration. I turned to CNN every morning to get the news…. and life was good.

However, this is another era.  For this reason, I am telling my brain to avoid the propaganda of the MSM and keep an open mind.

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 2:52 a.m.
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"Nevertheless. now since we are discussing Biden’s "white on black" racism, I did some more research, and there is plenty of “documented” events, where Biden offended black people, even while being VP to Obama"

Really Gunter?

I guess you are saving those examples because so far, you guys have shown exactly 0 authentic evidence. Please don't embarrass yourself and call the absurd comments by a low credibility person about supposed statements 50 years ago evidence(just because you liked what he said doesn't make it authentic evidence). Documented EVIDENCE, not that crap.

Since we have had this conversation at length in 2 threads now, what are waiting for to show the actual evidence?

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 3:23 a.m.
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I am against much of the Biden agenda and  have been calling him out for various legit things like what went on with Hunter, the Southern Border crisis and COVID.

However, you guys and these dishonest sources of misinformation ought to be ashamed of yourselves for trying to smear a person's character using lies, blatantly distorted/twisted interpretations and frivolous/manufactured evidence.

Joe Biden has spend much of his career supporting Civil Rights in this country and even in other countries............going all the way back for him

Saying otherwise is a complete lie............unless you are holding back some evidence after all this time...........which I doubt.

Do you remember what happened to Judge Kavanaugh?

You brought it up numerous times here. Stop being a hypocrite and doing the exact same thing to President Biden.

You guys and I both know that you are not holding back some special evidence that you haven't provided yet that is the evidence of Joe Biden being a racist.

What you will do, is another search on the internet to try to find something new from another dishonest source that you haven't seen yet to try to present as new evidence.

It there had been any real evidence Trump would have showed it last year. Obama would have known it. And its retarded to even be talking like this because Joe Biden has always been in the corner to support minorities 

This has just been a conversation that proves peoples cognitive bias and vulnerability to believe things that sources on the internet want them to believe.

You are all about peoples freedom to choose. Stop letting these sources control your brain..............be free to listen to the man below and use your own critical, free will thinking and common sense to judge him for himself.......not what all the sources you guys have shown recently are telling you to believe. 

Joe Biden makes impassioned speech on apartheid in resurfaced 1986 footage



Apartheid, racism, and Black mental health in South Africa, and the role of racial identity.


By metmike - June 12, 2021, 3:26 a.m.
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Like I told mcfarm the other day.

I am not your enemy. The people filling your heads with rubbish are the enemy.

I agree with you on many things and I am your friend.

I am proving this to you about Biden as your friend.

Like with mcfarm, You can do with it what you want but consider it a gift from me as a friend even if you decide not to listen.

By TimNew - June 12, 2021, 7 a.m.
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So,  using direct quotes and actions of Biden.s  is not credible?

MM,  you have a habit of dismissing facts with which you disagree.   For example, calling Autopsy results "flimsy evidence".   Never in my life have I ever heard anyone condier such as flimsy.    But you rely on that sort of thing all the time.

By mcfarm - June 12, 2021, 8:51 a.m.
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this is not a quote but close. MM said if there were evidence out there it would be clear and reported. Sort like the msm reporting on Hunter and his sad, sorted life of crime that includes Joe as the "big man".  sort of like when JFK had women stashed at various places for his pleasure was reported regularly when it was apparent to all those close to the situation. Sort of like in todays world certain information is shaped, controlled, edited, and more likely if you are a lib BURIED. Ask the Clintons where much of this type of reporting all started. Ask John soleman who dedicated much of his life prying the real facts of Russian collusion when 100% of the free press was trying to lynch Trump. Thousands of other examples in the last few embarrassing years of the msm's sorted history.

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 10:35 a.m.
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Sorry guys it's 1 person out of 339,000,000 making up something from 49 years ago that 100% contradicts everything we have on the REAL Joe Biden based on ALL his REAL actions, RECORDED AND DOCUMENTED. Based on his REAL words.....RECORDED AND DOCUMENTED.

Judge Joe makes this absurd claim: Biden said: "negro children are like roaches and if they are allowed to integrate our schools they will infest them"   "negros are like animals and they turn the streets into jungles" "He had a plan to put all the negro animals into zoos"

Did you not even listen to the audio of the REAL Joe Biden himself(from the other guy trying to attack Biden)  for voting for busing, where he explained why he voted for busing? I explained it already.

Did you not even look at the video of the REAL  Joe Biden expressing his views on racism?

Somehow, 1 person remembers something that is the complete opposite of what has always defined Joe Biden.................but it's music to your ears because you want to believe it because your cognitive bias is leading you astray again and you decided that Joe Biden is racist because your right wing sources told you and THEY are infallible.

Can anybody say Brett Kavanaugh.

One girl comes forward to say something happened 30 years earlier and all the democrats believe it and jump on it..........when there is nobody else to corroborate the story. 

This is even more egregious because unlike Kavanaugh, we have tons and tons and tons of Biden being recorded speaking in those years and taking actions and they are 100% the opposite of everything that Judge Joe said. 


You guys squawked up a storm over Brett Kavanaugh being accused by 1 person from 3 decades earlier because Kavanaugh is on your side but then, totally believe 1 person from 5 decades earlier(when all the video and audio evidence of that era contradicts this totally absurd statement) because Biden is on the other side.

Can anybody say Cognitive Bias?

Again, I am your friend. I am committed to educating people at Marketforum with authentic facts/science  and truth, using objectively and non partisanship. 

I am trying to make the world a better place while teaching love and respect for each other as we educate each other and correspond productively. 

It pains me to see friends having their intelligence stolen and treating me as the enemy because they don't like the honest message based 100% on the authentic facts.

I am trying to do this in a manner which puts the blame for this intentional misinformation on the sources of your information that are stealing your intelligence and by showing ALL the objective authentic facts and  giving you the opportunity to make the choice based on that but cognitive bias is an almost impossible condition to overcome.

You can do with it, however you want. 

If its a (another)lesson to me and objective lurkers on how cognitive bias is more powerful than the truth screaming out to contradict the absurd lies, then that's what it will be.


By metmike - June 12, 2021, 10:57 a.m.
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Is it possible that I'm wrong on this?

Of course it is. I'm wrong for a living forecasting the weather (-:

But you have to give us at least 1 authentic fact to to support your case that Joe Biden is a racist.............against all the overwhelming, authentic evidence that shows the exact opposite.

Just one legit fact and I'll be glad to adjust my position.

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 11:19 a.m.
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Another item I forgot to mention about the busing issue, so that you understand the authentic facts better.

 Biden only opposed mandatory federal busing.

He was FOR voluntary busing.

He was also FOR integration of society.

He advocated for federal money, instead of FORCING blacks to go to schools they did not want to go to, to being invested in improving the quality of inner city schools........so they could stay close to home and not turn the educational system into a confrontational jungle between whites and blacks that were forced by busing to go where they didn't want to go. 

He spent 300 hours of his time meeting with leaders in the communities, including black leaders in having that position. 

How more no brainer common sense does it get than that from a life long supporter of civil rights and minorities?

All the above is documented history...........which is what makes it an authentic fact.

By GunterK - June 12, 2021, 1:55 p.m.
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Hi metmike

You asked me to provide proof of Biden making racist comments, since the accusations of a real judge don’t mean anything to you.

A quick scan provided discussions on TV news shows, where the commentators discussed Biden and “race”. In other words, there ARE records of Biden comments or Biden votes, worthwhile discussing on public TV.

Even Kamala Harris attacked Biden during the DNC  events.

I didn’t bookmark any of this, because all this is not leading anywhere.

I am quite willing to overlook anything Biden did 50 years ago. So what, if he made racist comments then. So what, if he hung out with KKK people.He may have grown into a different man during the years… a man with different beliefs.

What really counts right now, is what Biden does, while he is our President.... and he clearly is trying to help the minorities (even though it looks like "reverse racism" to me..

And, in the original post in this thread, timnew made a comment about Texas building their own border wall.

I was preparing a reply for timnew, but somehow, we all started talking about Biden being a racist, ignoring itmnew’s original question.

Well, that’s how it often happens in forum discussions.

By metmike - June 12, 2021, 2:23 p.m.
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Shall we proceed to a more productive realm now?