Border Zsar!!! I knew it !!!
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Started by GunterK - June 23, 2021, 2:46 p.m.

I knew it. !!!!!

the moment Trump announced that he would visit the US border, a few days ago, I figured that Kamala Harris would beat him to it.

The threat of a Trump border visit.... that's what it took for her to finally get off her you-knonw-what

By metmike - June 23, 2021, 7:05 p.m.
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This is likely true.

This current administration is 100% about creating narratives to frame every topic favorably for them.

Manufacturing realities vs using objective facts.

Here's an example of it right from the get go in January:

May 10: Who remembers this intentional hogwash they(Biden) fed us back in late January?

Exact same thing with Putin. 

Exact same thing with the fake climate crisis.

Exact same thing with the southern border from the get go(there wouldn't let the media cover it, then it was supposed to be normal/seasonal........bla, bla, bla)

They try to get ahead of and control the narrative with the Biden administration always being the heros.

Trump going down there was about to disrupt that. Now, Harris will beat him to it and she/they will manufacture the narrative and have the MSM broadcast it in their headlines and whatever Trumps says, which will likely be the opposite of what Harris says.......they will use the tactic that worked for 4 years.

Whatever Trump says, they will say the opposite.........and this will support the Harris narrative.

None of us are actually down there to see it so we are all just getting our news from the main sources of news..............and have to believe one side or the other.

So it will be back to like it was when Trump was president. The MSM will be determined to show everything that he says is wrong. Trump will say alot of really dumb and wrong things that give them the opportunity to prove that he said those things wrong and they will apply that to all the things that he says absolutely obliterate the creridbility of anything that he says and use it to make Harris look good.

By mcfarm - June 23, 2021, 8:10 p.m.
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all that is like D-day before the first shot was fired MM....Harris and Biden and the media can make up whatever they want but there has been a lot of news slipping thru other sources and it has been bad, sad, sick stuff from the boarder. Trump does not have to make anything up, they do. Who are the American people going to believe, the msm, or there own eyes? They find many more 8 month pregnant 15 year olds working as sex slaves and even a lib or 2 may get offended.

By GunterK - June 23, 2021, 9:22 p.m.
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it might work out in Trump's favor, if he plays his cards right.

The POTUS put Harris in charge of the border 3 months ago. She can't suddenly say "oh, how terrible it is"

She probably will say that it's no big deal. "Everything is under control.". "there was  no need for me to rush down here"

Trump then has to have his camera crews ready... have BP agents talk about the problem... have  mayors on TV... mayors who had to declare a state of emergency.... show videos of illegals crossing the river at night, etc.

But then, it's also possible that she says "it's better than under Trump.", and the MSM will flood the airwaves with more lies.

By metmike - June 24, 2021, 1:59 a.m.
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"it might work out in Trump's favor, if he plays his cards right."

Actually, the total opposite will happen. He is going to give the dems another gift.

Only people that are totally delusional think that Trump has any shred of credibility. His credibility was bad before he perpetrated the biggest election lie in the history of politics. Before that, some objective people, like metmike tried hard to overlook Trumps many issues because of his good for America agenda.

His actions after the election, trying to overthrow the rock solid election results using fraudulence and getting his gullible followers enraged, using them and stealing their intelligence tells us clearly that he's a dishonest, self obsessed psychopath that only cares for Donald Trump and not the USA.

He is totally toxic to the republican party and continues to be a gift for the democrats as this move will demonstrate how he actually unites the democrats and MSM.

This year, the main thing that the MSM has criticized Biden/Harris on at times is the mismanagement of the southern border.

They should be doing it much more vigorously but almost nobody, anywhere is giving Biden/Harris high marks for the immigration/migration policy disaster.

This position comes from the MSM being somewhat objective and part of that, is that they can be that way without Trump being in the picture. 

When Trump is in the picture, they all immediately take the other side with much vigor.

Now, Trump will enter the picture and the Biden/Harris team sees this as a golden opportunity to save themselves with regards to poor coverage and the liberal media calling them out on the southern border.

This is why Harris will go down there to tell us whatever she wants us to think, intentionally doing this ahead of Trump going down there......with them anticipating exactly, some of the things that he will say...........and Trump will fall right into their political trap.

They want this to be a Harris vs Trump issue because ANYBODY vs Trump will always be a huge win for anybody. 

Harris/Biden vs the facts at the Southern Border is a big loss for Harris/Biden. This is where its been the past 5 months.

Harris/Biden vs Trump is a huge win for Harris/Biden on EVERYTHING. This is where it's going after Trump visits and puts himself in the battle against Harris/Biden.

 It will always get the MSM on their side. Trumps has disgraced himself and is the least credible politician in US history at this point. Now they can get the MSM off their backs and get the MSM on their side because the MSM will back anybody that Trump attacks.

If Trump continues to stick around like this, he is sabotaging the republicans. The Biden/Harris agenda and leadership is extremely vulnerable. The main thing that can keep this from being extremely obvious to the majority of Donald Toxic Trump.

The republicans that are excited to see Trump back involved in political issues are totally blind to the one person that has damaged his party more than any other person in history.

The democrats are celebrating this. He is the gift the keeps on giving. He not only unites the democrats that will all come together behind whatever person or issue that opposes Trump like never before in history but the MSM also will all come together to support the issue or person that opposes Trump.

You may not like to read that but again, I am your friend, not the enemy and telling you the truth because of it.

When Trump gets involved, people don't care as much about the facts. So many 10's of millions of people hate Trump so much that they will completely change their negative view on the Biden/Harris mismanagement of the southern border so that it's the OPPOSITE of whatever Trump's view is.

You know that its exactly true.

By mcfarm - June 24, 2021, 8:34 a.m.
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Prior  the election you hand a much stronger case MM. With Biden and Harris telling nothing factual about what they planned to do when elected and the msm covering for them many low information voters fell for the scam. Hell according to Harris Biden past was even in play as an expert criminal and racists, which he is. Of Course since elected and paid off Harris is singing a new tune. Biden  never outlined what he had planned and has done since January if he had there would of been a revolution by now. Sooner of later these same low information voters will get their fill. Notice Stelter's new all time low ratings on cnn? Notice just yesterday when Biden claimed too many gins in the safe areas outside the cities was the problem? Notice how he said we would need nuclear bombs to over throw the government? These are not barometers for a good, confident, efficient and well run newly elected Pres and VP.

By GunterK - June 24, 2021, 1:54 p.m.
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Chief of Border Patrol kicked out.

I am sure, they already have a replacement, who will meet VP Harris at the border. And I am sure, the new one will say "there is no problem"

By TimNew - June 24, 2021, 2:50 p.m.
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I'm sure that's bullet one in his job description.

By metmike - June 24, 2021, 7:54 p.m.
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Good story Gunter!

By GunterK - June 25, 2021, 4:04 p.m.
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Well, VP Harris finally made it to the border. Before her trip, Pres Biden praised her for dong a great job on the border issue (I believe, he wanted to say that she is ignoring the crisis, as he wanted her to do)

If it hadn’t been for Trump announcing his intentions, I am sure she would not have made the trip.

Some reporters confronted her about this, but she stated that her trip here had nothing to do with Trump’s intention. She said, her trip to the border had been planned in March already.

This again points out that the border issue was on the bottom of the Border Zsar's list… .otherwise she would have been at the border late March or early April…. This again suggests that Trump had shamed her into making the trip.

Unfortunately she went to a “safe” spot some 800 miles away from the border crossing hot spot in the Rio Grande Valley.Well, that would have taken her too far out of the way for the real destination of her trip… California.

She also didn’t visit a child detention center, where a large number of trafficked children are locked up..

The end result of her trip…. It was a photo opp…. nothing else.

Pathetic, IMHO.

By TimNew - June 26, 2021, 5:14 a.m.
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And thus continues the saga of Zsar Zsar Badaar...