Gunter? Hungray
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Started by cutworm - Aug. 9, 2021, 7:47 a.m.
By GunterK - Aug. 10, 2021, 11:36 a.m.
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Hi cutworm

Disclosure: I grew up in Europe, but I spent most of my life in the USA. I am not an expert in such matters. However, I do try to keep up with happenings in Europe.

First, some background info.

When I grew up in post-WW2 Europe, it was a hotchpotch of nations… each with its own language, each with its own currency, each with its own culture, each with its own national history. They coexisted peacefully.

I remember traveling to Italy, and there were nothing but Italians living there… and when you went to Belgium, there were nothing but Belgians living there.

In 1993, these countries decided to form the European Union. The reason: to make cross-border commerce much easier, and to establish a powerful bloc of nations. And all was well.

However, a few years ago, some of the well-to-do nations decided to welcome refugees from civil-war ravaged countries.They thought it would be a nice humanitarian thing to do, and they hoped that these foreigners would assimilate and bring “diversity” to their countries.

They gave these refugees free housing, free food, free healthcare, free everything.  When the news of this spread around the globe, huge waves of illegal immigrants started coming.

They came from the M.E,and as far as Afghanistan.…They come from the African continent… they cross the Mediterranean in boats and then storm the beaches at night, or even in broad daylight.

And nobody is stopping them.

After a while, it became very clear…. most of them had no intention to assimilate… they brought their way of life with them.

Friends in my small hometown tell me that they now have a large community of Turks.  These immigrants keep separate, in their own community, and they are peaceful.

However, the same cannot be said in many other areas.

The once so peaceful country of Sweden is now the “rape capital” of Europe. A few months ago, a journalist investigated open rape cases and discovered that 33 of the 34 cases involved migrants. He was chastised for publishing his findings.

Many large cities now have “no-go zones”…. areas where even the police is not safe.  Public swimming pools are no longer a place to bring your kids to.

Hungary is one of the countries that said “no” to all this.  And this made the woke EU angry. They may kick Hungary out of the EU.

Now to the video you linked…

We all know that Trump was not very diplomatic, when it came to talking about the leaders of other countries. We are so glad to have a more civilized president now.

Yet, Biden called Putin a “killer”, and Orban a “thug”.   Well, that’s OK… we have different rules for Biden.

Biden also called Orban a “totalitarian dictator”. A “dictator” who is facing 2 opponents in a democratic election???  Sounds a bit ridiculous to me.

Why are we supposed to dislike Orban?

#1… Trump was friendly with him. That does it… right there.

#2… Orban is defending his country, its borders and its people  (somebody please give a copy of this video to Pres Biden)

#3…. Orban is not “woke” enough.He favors traditional values of Western Civilization, with the traditional family unit at its core.

#4…(not mentioned in this interview) he believes there are only 2 genders

#5… he stopped George Soros from operating in his country. Soros is the very powerful man whose organizations are assisting and even organizing the migration waves into Europe and the US.

All this clearly makes him a misfit in our woke world and got him into the crosshairs of those who want to destabilize Europe and the US.

Isn’t it interesting…. when Trump had a friendly meeting with Putin (a communist), they called him a “traitor”.  Now, our Administration is supporting the communist opponent of Orban.  This shows us the twisted hypocrisy in politics.

In conclusion… it’s nice to see a leader who feels he has to protect his country, its borders and its people

Will he win? I have no idea. Considering the powerful enemies he has (such as now the Biden administration), his chances are not good. We do know that elections are not always “safe”…. and it would not be the first time that the US has influenced elections in other countries.

My personal opinion: If this mass-migration continues, it will no longer be about “diversity”…within 1 or 2 generations, the ancient cultures of Europe will be shoved aside, destroyed, replaced.  (some immigrant religious leaders have alredy said so.. that's their plan)

In other European countries, large portions of the population are recognizing this, and they are trying to make their voices heard. However, their governments label them as “right wing extremists”

sorry about that post being so long

By cutworm - Aug. 11, 2021, 8:22 a.m.
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Thanks Gunter I agree

By metmike - Aug. 11, 2021, 8:36 a.m.
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Your views on this are priceless in value because your experiences/observations have been greatly tuned and long lived in a way that nobody else here can match or even understand for that the absence of your posting.

This is  a greatly appreciated wonderful contribution!

By metmike - Aug. 11, 2021, 8:40 a.m.
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Long posts like that mean lots of good info....don’t be sorry.

Yours truly,

The Forum Windbag(~:

By cutworm - Aug. 11, 2021, 12:18 p.m.
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I tried to watch some Cnn. The first thing I viewed was Jim Acosta interviewing Rep Castro (intel com. member) and slamming Tucker for abetting a Dictator. Which is not what I saw in the video. Thanks for helping me sort it out.

No wonder I cannot stand to watch CNN