Pfizer vs. Moderna
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Started by GunterK - Aug. 12, 2021, 9:21 a.m.

When people talk about the safety and success of the Covid vaxx, they often quote information and statistics gained during the early months of 2021, totally ignoring the fact that we now have a new virus, the Delta.

The Delta is spreading more quickly, and it also is more resistant to the vaxx.

In June, Israel was the first country to publish an efficacy for the Pfizer vaxx of 64%, a dramatic reduction from the earlier quoted 96%

Last time I looked, about 2 weeks ago, the efficacy had dropped to 39% (in Israel).

Now, a US study confirms a similar number for the Pfizer vaxx…. 42%, while at the same time showing an efficacy of 76% for the Moderna Product.

The fact that the Pfizer vaxx now as a pitiful efficacy would explain the fact that so many vaxxed people are now catching the virus.(remember Cape Cod, where 74% of new infections were vaxxed people)

By metmike - Aug. 12, 2021, 11:08 a.m.
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Thanks Gunter!

It  continues to look like the effectiveness of the vaccine wear off, similar to the flu vaccine which is why I will be first in line WHEN, not if but WHEN they offer the booster shots this Fall.

This also makes it look like the Delta variety is even more contagious because its hitting when people like me, that got vaccinated early are losing some protection.

It's been over 6 months for me and so a booster shot is needed pretty soon. I can see this being similar to an annual flu shot in the Fall. The flu vaccines are nowhere close to protecting as much as the COVID vaccines.

After studying vaccines intensively, including the flu vaccine, in 2020, I got my first ever flu vaccine last Fall(2020) based on the overwhelming science. I already knew the science and never get the flu but my age and ignoring good advise/bad habit was  making me very vulnerable. I will also get my 2nd flu vaccine this Fall, with absolute certainty!

Why get vaccinated when the flu vaccine doesn’t work well?

By metmike - Aug. 12, 2021, 11:29 a.m.
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I saved this for another page.

You continue to be confused about how to properly understand/assess data.....frequently misinterpreting it and then after being corrected, will provide the same misinterpretation to the same cherry picked data over and over.

But here we go again for everybody else:

"The fact that the Pfizer vaxx now as a pitiful efficacy would explain the fact that so many vaxxed people are now catching the virus.(remember Cape Cod, where 74% of new infections were vaxxed people)"

metmike: You continue to cherry pick one small study/location with a very small amount of people and ignore 99.99% of the rest of the world. Ignoring the rest of the state of MA, ignoring the entire country of the US, ignoring the entire planet......other than any other, misinterpreted, isolated/cherry picked situations that you can pluck out to tell  us prove your anti scientific position.

Again, besides this being one location, with almost everbody vaccinated in that location, it stands to reason that most of the new infections came from vaxxed people in some places.

By a massively wide margin, almost all the very sick people in hospitals and those dying are NOT the US, in the ain't even close either.

"Now, a US study confirms a similar number for the Pfizer vaxx…. 42%, while at the same time showing an efficacy of 76% for the Moderna Product."

metmike: Gunter, for the umpteenth time, the vaccine is not designed or expected to keep people from getting COVID but it sure helps. It arms your immune system so that WHEN YOU GET COVID, it is MUCH MORE efficient at producing the antibodies to BEAT COVID. This is why most of the people very sick and dead were NOT vaccinated.

There are a hundred science and data based links online that demonstrate that and no they are not coming from places that want to trick and control you.

Ironically, your paranoia over this is actually being totally cause by YOUR sources tricking and controlling you.

Please, everybody not vaccinated. Get vaccinated ASAP to obtain the wonderful benefits to your immune system that will help you to beat the more contagious Delta COVID if you should get it.

By metmike - Aug. 12, 2021, 11:39 a.m.
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These charts and data CONCLUSIVELY show that the states NOT getting vaccinated are the exact same ones with the most COVID.

The ones with the highest vaccinating rates have the least amount of COVID.

In the case of severe COVID and deaths, it's almost 10 times more amplified.....beneficial to be vaccinated.

Not even close and no Gunter, there isn't some evil source trying to control us that caused everybody in every state to falsify data from their state to make it look this way. 

                Rural/Republican states hit hardest by COVID            

                            7 responses |                

                Started by metmike - Aug. 9, 2021, 7:40 p.m.    

By metmike - Aug. 12, 2021, 11:55 a.m.
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Additionally the authentic science/studies are showing that people previously infected with COVID, are not as well protected as people fully vaccinated.

It's likely, that the waning protection from being infected previously is also a HUGE factor here.

 Today, at least there actually is a good point in your post that shows the vaccine's massive benefits wear off with time.