Trump/Putin Summit
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Started by wglassfo - July 15, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

Not sure if anybody else has heard rumours but  I just saw a headline on Zero Hedge

Have not read as of yet, but this is what I think

The thinking is this summit may have a big part to do with Syria

Did Trump not say he would defeat ISIS

Perhaps Trump declares victory against ISIS

Then negotiates an agreement with Putin to let Russia stay in Syria as Assads protector but in return, russia forces Iran out of Syria

Putin has mostly control of Syria and has assads back any way, so the best Trump can do is get IRAN OUT OF sYRIA


[Dang it hit the cap lock key]

Trump probably won't push very hard on Ukraine/Crimea as that is mostly a fait accomplie

Russia wanted the water port and could be convinced to stop there if Trump walks away

That is to far away for americian forces to invest troops and equipment

There are better places to project americian power

Trump may agree to hold NATO in check  so Russia doesn't need to worry about the front, so long as Putin does not take aggressive action

Sort of an agreed stalemate

Finally an agreement on nuclear understanding so nothing unexpected sends everybody to mutual destruction,

If not then Trump greatly expands space age options

JMHO but that is a list of what I would try and then see how Putin reacts

Finally I would agree to nothing with out a chance to talk with advisors and I would not hesitate to have copious notes taken

A full transcript to take back to advisors would be best

I am sure most if not all of this and more has been discussed so it would not be a surprise to either side

I have an idea this summit is a PR opportunity for both sides as much as anything

As for election tampering we all know that will never stop on either side

By Lacey - July 16, 2018, 7:38 a.m.
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Russia has used the Crimea as it's southern port for something like 230 years.  I would fight hard to keep it and read a comment that Putin said he would use nukes in a fight to keep it.  I would to.  The Jews want regime change in the Ukraine.  Fuck the je.... Can't believe nobody slapped them down for their atrocities on the Palestinian border within the last month.  Over 60 killed and 2000 wounded with really bad bullets.  They should have lost a city for that action.  Can you imagine the outrage if that had happened on our southern or northern border.  And the clusterfu.. that is ongoing in Europe is at the urging of Israel.  Does anyone see the issue here?