Wierd Weather on Relevant Radio
4 responses | 0 likes
Started by metmike - Dec. 16, 2021, 12:39 p.m.

I'll be on Relevant Radio for 20 minutes to discuss weird weather, the time is scheduled for 2:10pm, so that I can make chess practice with my Thursday school.


There will be a recording of it available later in the day.

By hayman - Dec. 16, 2021, 1:06 p.m.
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OMG, today of all days, this has great meaning..

You are meant for the stage, you bring Theater to Life

24 most spectacular theaters in the U.S.A.

Thank you and "Break A Leg" I'm seeing 'Major Influencer' staging ready to go viral in T minus less than one hour?!?  I am humbled, now being made aware that this is in religious as in humanistic honor, setting tone to our lives and our future nation.

By metmike - Dec. 16, 2021, 10:43 p.m.
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Here's the show.


Starts just after 15 minutes.

Ends at just after the 28 minute mark.

By metmike - Dec. 17, 2021, 3:32 a.m.
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Were the Recent Tornadoes the Result of Global Warming?


Tornadic Storms Require a Complex Array of Conditions
Strong tornadic thunderstorms are rare for a reason:  it takes a very complex array of simultaneous conditions to produce them:   


  • Strong atmospheric instability is essential, with temperature declining rapidly with height.
  • A large change in wind with height (wind shear) is critical, both for allowing storms to become intense and to produce the rotation in supercell thunderstorms, the parents of most severe tornadic events.
  • And one needs upward motion or lift to release the instability, and this can be from a strong front or an upper-level trough or jet streak.

 Good evidence for this is provided by a map showing the climatology of tornadoes around the planet.  Tornadoes are infrequent in the warm, humid tropics, where large and frequent thunderstorms are noted.  Essential ingredients are missing.



So claims that warming will produce more severe tornadic thunderstorms should be taken with a big grain of salt…severe tornadic thunderstorms depend on an array of requirements, some of which could well weaken under global warming

By metmike - Dec. 17, 2021, 3:33 a.m.
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My comments:

    Mike Maguire


        December 17, 2021 12:28 am


Great article/discussion as usual by Cliff.

He mentioned a powerful jet stream(jet streak) as a key element in events like this. It certainly was this week and last week.

That usually occurs when an unusual cold air mass is located just north or northwest of unusual warmth. Exactly the scenario during these 2 severe storm/tornado outbreaks.
In this case, the cold was widespread across Canada. Without it, the jet stream would have been MUCH weaker and not have caused the amount of lift or rotation or wind sheer dynamics.

We don’t have tornado outbreaks in the tropics because cold air masses don’t make it that far south…… so upper level jet streams are relatively tame in the warm/humid lower latitudes.


Screenshot 2021-12-16 at 13-32-33 Canadian Temperature Current Conditions, covering Temperature Readings for all of Canada.png