#Ukraine & #Russia together account for 29% of world #wheat exports compared with 15% a decade ago. Among their top wheat buyers are Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and Yemen.
Here's another great way to help visualize it:
Price charts of wheat in the futures market:
25 year chart. We took out the 2008 highs recvently.
1 year chart below. We were very high priced, historically already(because of low global stocks), then you can see the extreme upward spike that occurred right after the invasion by Putin...adding around $3 in a flash, to all time record high prices, then holding most of those gains.
We are threatening to take out the contract highs set right after the invasion.
By metmike - May 12, 2022, 12:18 p.m.
metmike: Looks BULLISH for wheat to me.
USDA projects 2022/23 ending stocks for U.S. #corn & #wheat will fall from the current year, but #soybeans are seen increasing. These trends align with trade expectations.
World #wheat stocks in 2022/23 are pegged well below trade expectations, but #corn comes in well above and #soybeans above. Old-crop corn stocks are up and soybeans are down.
USDA predicts #Ukraine's 2022/23 #corn crop will plunge 54% on the year with exports down 61%. #Wheat production is seen down 35% from last year and exports are set to fall 47%.
See an expansion of this topic here.
Seasonal pattern for corn/beans/wheat +more
5 responses |
Started by metmike - May 13, 2022, 10:25 p.m.